movie review

“Peaceful Warrior”

Peaceful WarriorThe motion picture version of author Dan Millman’s classic book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior had a big impact on me for a variety of reasons. First, like the book, it is simply one of those movies that gets you thinking… about the positive. It encourages a person to reconsider what’s really important in life. Second, it’s honest. The storytelling combines optimism with the challenging realities that life throws at us sometimes. Without being an overblown, fairy-tale-type film, the movie’s message is able to inspire while not coming off predictable. Finally, we’re left with the all important take-away. Co-star Nick Nolte (Soc), lists the three keys to life. Here they are, in order, complete with my take… Get the movie & read the book, you’ll be glad you did!

1. Paradox – Things aren’t always what they seem; sometimes they are the opposite of what logic would dictate. In order to be more, we often have to become less; we have to serve. Sometimes what appears good on paper, is actually poison for the soul. Blazing new trails and being true to yourself is uncommon in these times where conformity is king. Don’t settle. Seek what’s true for you… especially if it goes against the grain. You will what you will.

2. Humor – Don’t take yourself and everything in this life so seriously. We have to be able to laugh at ourselves. It invigorates the soul and prolongs life. Find the humor in situations that gnaw at you. It’s there, you just have to look in the right places. Laughter is medicine for the spirit; the elixur of life.

3. Change – It’s inevitable. The unhappiest people in the world are 1) those who don’t really know what they want, and 2) those who resist change. Figure out what really inspires you and then face the inevitable challenges that come with pursuing a dream. The alternative to embracing change is stagnating in the status quo… and for this writer, life is just too short for that.

It’s the journey of course, not the destination, that yields true happiness. So why is it so hard for most of us to be in the now and enjoy the moments of the journey? The revelry and regrets of yesterday, and the promise of tomorrow are often attractive distractions. But they are just that… distractions that block us from really living today. It’s an ongoing effort for most, but one that we cannot afford to do without. BUY the movie. BUY the book.

©2008 Tom Leu