george carlin


Sometimes it’s necessary to make changes to things that may have long been apart of who you’ve been and who you are, but are now holding you back.

“I was doing superficial comedy entertaining people who didn’t really care: Businessmen, people in nightclubs, conservative people. And I had been doing that for the better part of 10 years when it finally dawned on me that I was in the wrong places doing the wrong things for the wrong people.”  – George Carlin on evolving his comedy act in the early 1970’s.

Whether it’s tweaking your act, adjusting your business approach, or revamping how you manage your relationships… the key is awareness followed by immediate action. Truly look at yourself inside out. Pay attention to what hasn’t been working in life up to this point. Then decide if you really want to make some changes. If your motivation for change is more about wanting to rather than needing to, your results will be greater. 

If you’re honestly in the right place, doing the right things, with and for the right people, then commit to doing everything you can not to screw it up. Look in the mirror, make the tough decisions, and continue making the necessary changes as needed. You really can’t afford not to.

©2008 Tom Leu