
the 5 challenges

Finding balance seems to be life’s biggest challenge. The following are five specific challenges or conflicts that most of us face. They can be managed and balanced given the proper perspective, honest evaluation, and ongoing attention. So where are you on the continuums?

1) True Identity vs. Projected Image
Who you really are vs. who you lead others to believe you are.

2) Aspirations vs. Actions
Intellectually knowing what you want to do vs. physically doing what it takes. Really knowing what to do isn’t the same as actually doing what you know.

3) Pursuing Passions vs. Resigning to Responsibility
Doing what you love to thrive vs. doing what you have to do to survive. Wanting to get away, recover, discover and reflect vs. having to stay the course, punch-in & persevere. We all battle the desire to check out with the need to keep up.

4) Spirituality vs. Religion
Freedom pursuing truth vs. fear of not towing the line. Escaping external condemnation and guilt by moving toward internal celebration and guidance.

5) Contribution vs. Acquisition
Leaving a lasting legacy vs. looking out for number one.

As you consider where you fall on these continuums, remember that the goal is progress, not perfection. The joy ought to be the journey, not the final destination.

©2008 Tom Leu